The courses I teach & how I teach them

Teaching has been a core part of my academic journey since 2017. At UNAM in Mexico, I’ve taught university courses in Contract Law and Introduction to Legal Thought, while in Newcastle, I lead seminars on English Contract Law and Global IP Law. 
My commitment to accessible education extends to Latin America, where I’ve volunteered to teach online modules on informational privacy for two summer schools organized by CIDE and the University of Salamanca, motivating students from all over the region to explore digital law and the digital economy.
In my undergraduate courses, I focus on introducing core legal principles and organizing collaborative group tasks to foster engagement. For advanced learners, I curate reading lists tied to societal challenges and lead discussions through specific questions that prompt the group to critically analyze legal norms, their rationale, and societal impact.
While my approach varies between undergraduate and master’s courses, providing foundational knowledge for the former and practical, hands-on learning for the latter, I find that undergraduates often bring a fresh perspective and a unique capacity to challenge and reassess implicit thinking and assumptions in the the legal domain.